Saturday, May 11, 2013

It's ur future not ur past

Some people say that our past defines who we are. In a way I can see how this may be true. I believe that the struggles people go through make them stronger, and the mistakes made makes people smarter, but to me this doesn't define you as a person. Who you are now in this moment defines who u are, but it will change as the future comes. People Change everyday. Some may not see it and the Change may not be for the best. My point is the past is the past. And the present is the present and the future is what ever you desire it to be. It's your choice on whether you want the past to define you or use it to create a better future.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Quote of the day

In today's world

12-year NBA veteran Jason Collins came out of the closet." It was very brave." People say, but Isn't it sad that in this day in this world telling and showing people who you really are gets on the news. The fact that one even has to hide themselves from the world sickens me. What gives us such high and mighty power to say who should be excepted and who shouldn't ? Who is the person that decides wether or not you should act or do a certain thing? Why does being who u are so bad for others? Maybe if Everyone started being themselves there could be hope; hope that in another day in another world there will be no shock when others are being themselves.